Friday, May 15, 2020

Medusa: A Speedy, Parallel And Modular Login Brute-forcing Tool

About Medusa
   Medusa is a speedy, parallel, and modular, login brute-forcer. The goal is to support as many services which allow remote authentication as possible. The author considers following items as some of the key features of this application:

   Thread-based parallel testing. Brute-force testing can be performed against multiple hosts, users or passwords concurrently.

   Flexible user input. Target information (host/user/password) can be specified in a variety of ways. For example, each item can be either a single entry or a file containing multiple entries. Additionally, a combination file format allows the user to refine their target listing.

   Modular design. Each service module exists as an independent .mod file. This means that no modifications are necessary to the core application in order to extend the supported list of services for brute-forcing.

   Multiple protocols supported. Many services are currently supported (e.g. SMB, HTTP, MS-SQL, POP3, RDP, SSHv2, among others).

   See doc/medusa.html for Medusa documentation. For additional information:

Building on macOS

#getting the source
git clone https://github.com/jmk-foofus/medusa
cd medusa

#macOS dependencies
brew install freerdp
$ export FREERDP2_CFLAGS='-I/usr/local/include'
$ export FREERDP2_LIBS='-I/usr/local/lib/freerdp'



Medusa's Installation
   Medusa is already installed on Kali Linux, Parrot Security OS, BlackArch and any other Linux distros based for security pentesting purposes.

   For Debian-based distro users, open your Terminal and enter this command:
sudo apt install medusa

   For Arch Linux-based distro users, enter this command: sudo pacman -S medusa

About the author:

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Over 4000 Android Apps Expose Users' Data Via Misconfigured Firebase Databases

More than 4,000 Android apps that use Google's cloud-hosted Firebase databases are 'unknowingly' leaking sensitive information on their users, including their email addresses, usernames, passwords, phone numbers, full names, chat messages and location data. The investigation, led by Bob Diachenko from Security Discovery in partnership with Comparitech, is the result of an analysis of 15,735

via The Hacker News

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Arris Cable Modem Backdoor - I'm A Technician, Trust Me.

Vendor backdoors are the worst. Sloppy coding leading to unintentional "bugdoors" is somewhat defendable, but flat out backdoors are always unacceptable. Todays example is brought to you by Arris. A great quote from their site -
Subscribers want their internet to be two things, fast and worry free. Cable operators deploy services to meet the speed expectations, and trust ARRIS to provide the cable modems that deliver the reliability.
Nothing spells "trust" and "worry free" like a backdoor account, right?! Anyways, the following was observed on an Arris TG862G cable modem running the following firmware version -TS070563_092012_MODEL_862_GW

After successfully providing the correct login and password to the modems administration page, the following cookie is set (client side):
Cookie: credential=eyJ2YWxpZCI6dHJ1ZSwidGVjaG5pY2lhbiI6ZmFsc2UsImNyZWRlbnRpYWwiOiJZV1J0YVc0NmNHRnpjM2R2Y21RPSIsInByaW1hcnlPbmx5IjpmYWxzZSwiYWNjZXNzIjp7IkFMTCI6dHJ1ZX0sIm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbiJ9
 All requests must have a valid "credential" cookie set (this was not the case in a previous FW release - whoops) if the cookie is not present the modem will reply with "PLEASE LOGIN". The cookie value is just a base64 encoded json object:
And after base64 decoding the "credential" value we get:
Sweet, the device is sending your credentials on every authenticated request (without HTTPS), essentially they have created basic-auth 2.0 - As the kids say "YOLO". The part that stuck out to me is the "technician" value that is set to "false" - swapping it to "true" didn't do anything exciting, but after messing around a bit I found that the following worked wonderfully:
Cookie: credential=eyJjcmVkZW50aWFsIjoiZEdWamFHNXBZMmxoYmpvPSJ9
Which decodes to the following:
And finally:
Awesome, the username is "technician" and the password is empty. Trying to log into the interface using these credentials does not work :(

That is fairly odd. I can't think of a reasonable reason for a hidden account that is unable to log into the UI. So what exactly can you do with this account? Well, the web application is basically a html/js wrapper to some CGI that gets/sets SNMP values on the modem. It is worth noting that on previous FW revisions the CGI calls did NOT require any authentication and could be called without providing a valid "credential" cookie. That bug was killed a few years ago at HOPE 9.

Now we can resurrect the ability to set/get SNMP values by setting our "technician" account:

That's neat, but we would much rather be using the a fancy "web 2.0" UI that a normal user is accustomed to, instead of manually setting SNMP values like some sort of neckbearded unix admin. Taking a look at the password change functionality appeared to be a dead end as it requires the previous password to set a new one:

Surprisingly the application does check the value of the old password too! Back to digging around the following was observed in the "mib.js" file:
SysCfg.AdminPassword= new Scalar("AdminPassword","",4);
Appears that the OID "" holds the value of the "Admin" password! Using the "technician" account to get/walk this OID comes up with nothing:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 19:58:40 GMT
Server: lighttpd/1.4.26-devel-5842M
Content-Length: 55
What about setting a new value? Surely that will not work....

That response looks hopeful. We can now log in with the password "krad_password" for the "admin" user:

This functionality can be wrapped up in the following curl command:
curl -isk -X 'GET' -b 'credential=eyJjcmVkZW50aWFsIjoiZEdWamFHNXBZMmxoYmpvPSJ9' ';4;'
Of course if you change the password you wouldn't be very sneaky, a better approach would be re-configuring the modems DNS settings perhaps? It's also worth noting that the SNMP set/get is CSRF'able if you were to catch a user who had recently logged into their modem.

The real pain here is that Arris keeps their FW locked up tightly and only allows Cable operators to download revisions/fixes/updates, so you are at the mercy of your Cable operator, even if Arris decides that its worth the time and effort to patch this bug backdoor - you as the end user CANNOT update your device because the interface doesn't provide that functionality to you! Next level engineering.

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Files Download Information

After 7 years of Contagio existence, Google Safe Browsing services notified Mediafire (hoster of Contagio and Contagiominidump files) that "harmful" content is hosted on my Mediafire account.

It is harmful only if you harm your own pc and but not suitable for distribution or infecting unsuspecting users but I have not been able to resolve this with Google and Mediafire.

Mediafire suspended public access to Contagio account.

The file hosting will be moved.

If you need any files now, email me the posted Mediafire links (address in profile) and I will pull out the files and share via other methods.

P.S. I have not been able to resolve "yet" because it just happened today, not because they refuse to help.  I don't want to affect Mediafire safety reputation and most likely will have to move out this time.

The main challenge is not to find hosting, it is not difficult and I can pay for it, but the effort move all files and fix the existing links on the Blogpost, and there are many. I planned to move out long time ago but did not have time for it. If anyone can suggest how to change all Blogspot links in bulk, I will be happy.

P.P.S. Feb. 24 - The files will be moved to a Dropbox Business account and shared from there (Dropbox team confirmed they can host it )  

The transition will take some time, so email me links to what you need. 

Thank you all

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How To Change Facebook’s Default Theme To Any Color You Want

Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension

How To Change Facebook's Default Theme To Any Color You Want

We are going to share an interesting trick on changing your Facebook default theme. You just need a Google Chrome extension to perform this trick. If you are among me who feels very fatigued with the look of Facebook's by default theme then this is a must-see post because you will find out the easiest trick to make your facebook more attractive than before.

Facebook is a social networking site which empowers people to connect with friends and people around. That's how Facebook is habitually introduced. However, Facebook is beyond the need of being introduced as almost everyone is on it.
   A couple of Days ago I was simply Surfing Google Chrome website and I somehow stumbled upon a Chrome Extension. Yes, a Chrome extension that will give your Facebook a Whole new look. I was apprehensive to try it, So I just installed it and checked my facebook. I was astonished to see my facebook homepage have all new look. I found it refreshing and decided to write steps on How to Change Facebook Themes using Chrome Extension.

How To Change Facebook's Default Theme To Any Color You Want

If You are among me who feels very fatigued with the look of Facebook's by default theme then this is a must-see post, Because you will find out the easiest trick to make your facebook more attractive than before. Simply follow the steps to know about it.

How to Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension

Step 1. Install Stylish for Chrome from the Chrome Web Store. It will take hardly a minute to get installed in your Chrome browser.
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Step 2. Navigate to Facebook.com and click on the S button. Click on Find Styles for this Site to open a new tab with free themes to use for Facebook. Most of the themes are free and attractive too you can easily browse over the full website to discover your favorite theme.
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Step 3. Now You will be redirected towards https://userstyles.org Guess what! This site contains huge numbers of Facebook themes, One thing is for sure that you will be confused in-between what to select and which one to skip. Select any them and click on it. Now you will be given a full preview of your selected theme.
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Step 4. If everything is fine in the previewed theme, click on Install with Stylish button at the top right corner of the page. It will take few seconds or minutes depends on your theme size to be installed in Stylish Extension, once installed you will be notified with a success message.
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Step 5. Now whenever you open Facebook, it will show the theme that you have installed with Stylish instead of the boring old blue theme.
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
Change Facebook Theme Using Chrome Extension
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AutoNSE - Massive NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) AutoSploit And AutoScanner

Massive NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) AutoSploit and AutoScanner. The Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) is one of Nmap's most powerful and flexible features. It allows users to write (and share) simple scripts (using the Lua programming language ) to automate a wide variety of networking tasks. Those scripts are executed in parallel with the speed and efficiency you expect from Nmap. Users can rely on the growing and diverse set of scripts distributed with Nmap, or write their own to meet custom needs. For more informations https://nmap.org/book/man-nse.html

$ git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/AutoNSE.git
$ cd AutoNSE
$ bash autonse.sh

$ bash autonse.sh

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OctoSniff is a network research tool that allows you to determine information about all the other players you're playing with. It is compatible with PS, XBox 360 and XBox One. It has many other features that make it a great sniffing tool. Some people think it might be a tool like Wireshark or Cain n Abel. No, it's not a tool like that. It simply sniffs players that let you know who's really playing. Download OctoSniff 2.0.3 full version. It's only for educational purposes to use.


  • VPN Optimized
  • Supports Wireless & Wired Spoofing
  • Detects Geo IP and Complete Location
  • Searches Usernames of Players in the Lobby
  • Really easy to setup


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OSIF: An Open Source Facebook Information Gathering Tool

About OSIF
   OSIF is an accurate Facebook account information gathering tool, all sensitive information can be easily gathered even though the target converts all of its privacy to (only me), sensitive information about residence, date of birth, occupation, phone number and email address.

For your privacy and security, i don't suggest using your main account!

OSIF Installtion
   For Termux users, you must install python2 and git first:
pkg update upgrade
pkg install git python2

   And then, open your Terminal and enter these commands:   If you're Windows user, follow these steps:
  • Install Python 2.7.x from Python.org first. On Install Python 2.7.x Setup, choose Add python.exe to Path.
  • Download OSIF-master zip file.
  • Then unzip it.
  • Open CMD or PowerShell at the OSIF folder you have just unzipped and enter these commands:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python osif.py

Before you use OSIF, make sure that:
  • Turn off your VPN before using this tool.
  • Do not overuse this tool.
  • if you are confused how to use it, please type help to display the help menu or watch the video below.

How to use OSIF?

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Airba.sh - A POSIX-compliant, Fully Automated WPA PSK Handshake Capture Script Aimed At Penetration Testing

Airbash is a POSIX-compliant, fully automated WPA PSK handshake capture script aimed at penetration testing. It is compatible with Bash and Android Shell (tested on Kali Linux and Cyanogenmod 10.2) and uses aircrack-ng to scan for clients that are currently connected to access points (AP). Those clients are then deauthenticated in order to capture the handshake when attempting to reconnect to the AP. Verification of a captured handshake is done using aircrack-ng. If one or more handshakes are captured, they are entered into an SQLite3 database, along with the time of capture and current GPS data (if properly configured).
After capture, the database can be tested for vulnerable router models using crackdefault.sh. It will search for entries that match the implemented modules, which currently include algorithms to compute default keys for Speedport 500-700 series, Thomson/SpeedTouch and UPC 7 digits (UPC1234567) routers.

WiFi interface in monitor mode aircrack-ng SQLite3 openssl for compilation of modules (optional) wlanhc2hcx from hcxtools
In order to log GPS coordinates of handshakes, configure your coordinate logging software to log to .loc/*.txt (the filename can be chosen as desired). Airbash will always use the output of cat "$path$loc"*.txt 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR==0; END{print}', which equals to reading all .txt files in .loc/ and picking the second line. The reason for this way of implementation is the functionality of GPSLogger, which was used on the development device.

Calculating default keys
After capturing a new handshake, the database can be queried for vulnerable router models. If a module applies, the default keys for this router series are calculated and used as input for aircrack-ng to try and recover the passphrase.

Compiling Modules
The modules for calculating Thomson/SpeedTouch and UPC1234567 (7 random digits) default keys are included in src/
Credits for the code go to the authors Kevin Devine and [peter@haxx.in].
On Linux:
gcc -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -funroll-all-loops -o modules/st modules/stkeys.c -lcrypto
gcc -O2 -o modules/upckeys modules/upc_keys.c -lcrypto
If on Android, you may need to copy the binaries to /system/xbin/ or to another directory where binary execution is allowed.

Running install.sh will create the database, prepare the folder structure and create shortlinks to both scripts which can be moved to a directory that is on $PATH to allow execution from any location.
After installation, you may need to manually adjust INTERFACE on line 46 in airba.sh. This will later be determined automatically, but for now the default is set to wlan0, to allow out of the box compatibility with bcmon on Android.
./airba.sh starts the script, automatically scanning and attacking targets that are not found in the database. ./crackdefault.sh attempts to break known default key algorithms.
To view the database contents, run sqlite3 .db.sqlite3 "SELECT * FROM hs" in the main directory.

Update (Linux only ... for now):
Airbash can be updated by executing update.sh. This will clone the master branch into /tmp/ and overwrite the local files.

_n: number of access points found
__c/m: represents client number and maximum number of clients found, respectively
-: access point is blacklisted
x: access point already in database
?: access point out of range (not visible to airodump anymore)

The Database
The database contains a table called hs with seven columns.
id: incrementing counter of table entries
lat and lon: GPS coordinates of the handshake (if available)
bssid: MAC address of the access point
essid: Name identifier
psk: WPA Passphrase, if known
prcsd: Flag that gets set by crackdefault.sh to prevent duplicate calculation of default keys if a custom passphrase was used.
Currently, the SQLite3 database is not password-protected.

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